Metal detecting tips – Metal detecting appeals to fans for different reasons. Some are hoping to strike it rich, some are looking to discover a piece of history, and still others may be hoping for a bit of both worlds. Whatever the reason, metal detecting is a fun and rewarding hobby that people of all ages will enjoy. Here we will discuss about beginner metal detector mainly.
Selecting a Metal Detector
There are a variety of good metal detectors available on the market ranging from relatively inexpensive to top-of-the line. A beginner metal detector will do fine to start with an affordable model because there is a bit of a learning curve for the inexperienced as they learn to distinguish the different tones as they correspond to potential targets.
There are two basic types of metal detectors available for enthusiasts, those that are used for detecting items buried on land and those that are suitable for use in water. Water resistant metal detectors are great for finding items in surf zones and shallow areas. It’s important to read the reviews before selecting a detector to make sure that it will be best suited for a particular area even if you are a beginner metal detector.
Treasure Hunting Equipment
In addition to being a beginner metal detector, there are a few other items that treasure hunters should have on hand: a digging tool such as a garden trowel, small ground cloth for placing sod and dirt on so that it can easily be replaced, sifting scoop for sand, pouch and small container for storing finds, magnifying glass, headphones, and spare batteries.

Once potential treasure has been found, don’t rush to clean it, especially if it might be an old coin. Instead check with a local coin dealer first. It’s also important to distinguish metal types before cleaning so that the appropriate cleaning solution or method can be used. There are different cleaning solutions and methods for silver, copper, and gold. This is another area will research will pay off.
Types of Treasure for Beginner Metal Detector
It’s amazing what people lose. Metal detecting can turn up a variety of finds such as jewelry, coins, medals and tags, civil war relics, historical finds and more. Research the history of the local area to discover where the best potential detecting spots are and what type of treasures might be found there.
A successful beginner metal detector doesn’t require the most expensive metal detector in order to pay off, rather, the best way to find hidden treasures is by combining research and experience. Join a local metal detecting club and learn as much as possible from them. Most importantly, use the metal detector frequently and learn to recognize the differences in the signals. The rewards will speak for themselves.
Metal detecting tips
The thrill of a real treasure hunt appeals to a lot of children, but what happens when the kids grow up and still want to find hidden treasures? They get a metal detector and start pursuing a new hobby. Using a metal detector is not just for old, retired people. People from all ages and from all over the world are turning to treasure hunting with a metal detector as a hobby. If you are interested, here are a few tips to help get you started.
Buying a Metal Detector
Of course the first thing to know in metal detecting tips is that you will need is a metal detector. There are a lot of brands out there, and depending on what you want will determine the price. You can get an average quality metal detector for about $150. Some metal detectors come with headphones. Others do not. This may be a good buy for you because metal detectors let off small pinging sounds when it detects metal. You will need to be able to hear this sound for success. Understand that you can spend considerably more or less. Just do a little research to find out what you need before you buy. You can even consider buying a used metal detector at first.

Other Detecting Equipment
There are other helpful tools and equipment that will want to have on hand. In metal detecting tips a shovel tops the list. A metal detector does little good if you can’t actually dig down in the ground to find what you are looking for. A small hand held trowel or gardening shovel is also a good idea. Many people carry along a bucket or a small apron (like the kind you find at the hardware store) to help them carry what they find and their small tools. Remember that you will be digging in the dirt, so you might want to consider bringing along some hand wipes or old rags to help clean your hands.
Learning How to Use the Metal Detector
Once you have collected all of your tools and equipment, you will want to spend some time learning how to use your metal detector. Read your instruction manual thoroughly for metal detecting tips and start off around your yard. Learn what each sound means. You may also want to have a “mock” hunting session. Put a variety of objects on the ground and listen to the sounds the detector makes when passing over each one. This will help you when you go out on a real hunt.
Finding Your Treasures
After these metal detecting tips, you will want to decide what you want to look for and where to go. Many people have great success combing the beach or nearby parks and campgrounds. If you are looking for old relics, consider taking your metal detector out to undeveloped and unpopulated fields. This may be the perfect place for finding something great. Just make sure that you have permission to hunt and dig before starting.
Last of all, when you go out with your metal detector, you want to take your time and practice a little patience. It does take time to find objects and you may not find anything when you go out. Don’t get discouraged. It is the hunt that is half of the fun.