Threats and opportunities within business change initiative

Threats and opportunities within business change initiative

Implementing change into an organization can begin by pinpointing the threats and opportunities associated with the proposed change.

For most people in the working world, implementing change within an organization or company can be a difficult process that is met with resistance from employees and leadership from the early stages. This level of resistance should be perceived as a normal human reaction to change and should not be viewed as a roadblock to moving forward with change implementation. Instead, this resistance can be alleviated over time by redefining the scope of change into a tool that addresses threats and opportunities for the company as it relates to the proposed change.

Threats: What Happens if Nothing Is Done?

When analyzing threats associated with a proposed change initiative, it is important to not focus on “what could happen” if a new policy or process like code signing in this digital world is implemented into the company. Instead, it would be more helpful to ask “what could happen if nothing is done?” For example, Company XYZ is attempting to implement a casual dress code policy among its employees. If nothing is done and change is not thought out, a potential threat may be that some employees quit Company XYZ and move on to a competitor that offers casual dress.

Opportunities: What Happens if the Change Occurs?

On the other hand, project teams should also determine what opportunities exist- or could exist- if the change does go through successfully. For example, if Company XYZ implements a casual dress code for its employees, improvements in morale, atmosphere, work environment, and productivity may increase thanks to the improved state. Furthermore, the Company itself may become a preferred employer in the eyes of external applicants which could increase the size of an available talent pool.

Shaping a Vision to Help With Change

When considering the threats and opportunities associated with a proposed change initiative, it is also important to stay self-centered within the project scope in order to shape a vision of the proposed change. In other words, the team will need to assist all key stakeholders in the organization with visualizing and understanding how the improved state will look once the changes have taken place. Is the vision shared and understood across the business? Has the vision been clearly articulated to members of the project team and to the project sponsor?

When evaluating or classifying threats and opportunities to a proposed organizational change, the project team needs to focus on what could happen if nothing is done (in terms of the change) and what could potentially happen if the new policy or procedure is implemented. Understanding the “what-if’s” will assist the project team in clearly defining the scope of the change initiative to key stakeholders, such as executive leadership.